Y'all, I have just been to the most elegantly styled, fabulously adorable showroom in ALL of High Point! What is this Valhalla you ask? It's Red Egg, and it's not actually a showROOM, it's a showHOUSE.Red Egg was founded in 1997 by "Chief Hen" Carol Gregg, who is the most lovely and delightful person in High Point. Carol has created an East meets West aesthetic for her brand, mixing Asian forms with vibrant colors and lush textures. Girlfriend is a straight-up BOSS, and everyone in the CFD office is completely enamored with her.
As you walk on to the airy wrap around porch, you are greeted by a number of a-mah-zing outdoor pieces, all of which are either made in the USA, or imported from the Philippines, where Carol spends a good portion of her time. I was lucky enough to be introduced to Shadow, Carol's trusty sidekick, a slender grey cat who can often be found lounging in the sun, or on top of papers on Carol's desk.
Red Egg is the kind of place that you feel like you need to be drinking delicious hot tea while wrapped in an expensive pashmina. Carol has created a purposefully curated space. Around each corner is a new surprise, a new treasure, a new must have piece.
Can't you imagine yourself curled up in this bed, wearing a luxurious silk nightie with perfectly coiffed hair!? Cause I can! Most of the furniture pieces can be custom lacquered in a range of fun colors, increasing the versatility of each carefully constructed piece. Carol has gone to great lengths to create a calming, inviting, yet elevated environment. At Red Egg each room has its own distinct aesthetic and point of view, but the overall feel of the space is completely cohesive and polished.
Did y'all know that Red Egg features accessories as well? YAAAAASSSSS Qween, Red Egg is a lifestyle brand too! Carol recently introduced the line wetter, fabulous rattan and lacquer accessories produced in Vietnam by local craftspeople. I AM OBSESSED.
I had pretty much the greatest experience of my life at Red Egg. I seriously didn't want to leave, however Queen Bee insisted I get back to the office and work, snooze. Big thanks to Carol for allowing me to invade her space and pretend I live in the Red Egg studio! The experience, just like Red Egg itself, was too cute for words.Xoxo,DPS. Want to see another pic of Shadow trying to escape from me? Girl you know you do.