6 Ways to Spruce Up Your Powder Bath
We feel that when you are designing a powder bath bathroom, you not only want to create a space that is inviting, you've got to have a sense of humor. Along with touches of luxury, we love to incorporate elements of quirk. Got a guest coming over? Here are 6 ways to spruce up your powder bath RIGHT NOW. LET'S DO THIS.1. A Candle - It never hurts to have something that smells good in the bathroom. Plus, your guests will think you're rich if you have this Ralph Lauren candle. It's all about showing that you don't skip on luxe.
2. Offbeat Artwork - Show that you don't take yourself too seriously by throwing in some eccentric art, like this framed piece we found on Etsy.
3. Luxe Towels - Everyone can dry their hands, but not everyone can do it luxuriously. Make your guests feel as wealthy as possible with these glamorous towels from Restoration Hardware.
4. Soap - In all seriousness, we are obsessed with Joe Malone. This pomegranate noir soap will change your guest's life and everyone they come in contact with from hence forth.
5. Fun, Decorative Touches - Another way to show some personality in the powder bath is to accent with fun decorative objects, like this foot match holder from one of our favorites, Jonathan Adler.
6. Light-hearted Reading Material - Finally, your guests may want something to read! The Provensen Book of Fairy Tales contains some of the most amazing illustrations around and will take your guests' throne-sitting moments into far-off lands. They may never come out of the bathroom! If you're looking for quick and fun ways to update your powder bath, all it really takes is a few additions to spruce up the space. With a mix of fun and luxury items, you'll show your guests that you are a host who is both welcoming and unique.