Baker + Justin = GOLD-INN
OMG OMG OMG! I have just met the most a-mah-zing two people to come out of Houston since Beyonce and Kelly Rowland. Who is this dynamic duo? Its Baker and Justin, founders of Gold-Inn Hospitality, duh!Let me set the scene for you. Its a sweltering hot June day in Winston Salem, there's no parking at the downtown coffee spot I picked for us to meet, and I'm running late. All of this results in your boy sweating profusely during our initial hello. Thankfully, the Gold-Inn boys were beyond gracious, even when I had to excuse myself to wipe off my face in the bathroom. Once my pores finally closed I was able to sit back and get my chat on with these brilliant, sweet, and totes ADORBS guys.[one_third]
[/one_third_last]Not only are Baker and Justin business partners, but they have also been married for just over two years - having met while studying hospitality at the University of Houston. These guys have worked in the tip top hotels of New York. Can you say LUXURY!? It was during a quick vacation in Natchez, Mississippi where the idea for Gold-Inn Hospitality was first sparked. Baker and Justin explained that in the hospitality industry you are either 100% on or 100% off, and it is super difficult for owners and operators of inns to take extended periods of time off. Hence, INTERIM INN KEEPING!!!!![one_half]
[/one_half_last]What exactly is interim inn keeping? Let me break it down for ya, B & J step into a project or property that is lacking a little in terms of direction or identity and breathe new life into the place. The Gold-Inn Boys handle it all, from a delicious gourmet breakfast each morning to recommendations for fab and fun local activities. Baker and Justin love to truly immerse themselves into the communities they are working in. That includes remaining active members of Leadership High Point, an in depth program that introduces members of the High Point business community to all that the city has to offer. When I met the boys, they had just finished a tour of High Point's recycling center the day before. Hello! Dedicated, much?
Most recently the guys have wrapped up their time at the exclusive Pandora's Manor in High Point, and let me tell you they were INTEGRAL in the super successful opening the inn had this past spring. Looking forward, Baker and Justin are headed back to Houston with their cat Breechford, who is too cute for words. (If you don't follow him on Instagram you should! @breechford). While at their home base, the boys plan to focus on the rapidly expanding consulting side of their business, AND continue working towards their shared dream of opening their own B & B, which could be just around the corner!
For the last few weeks I have been stalking the guys on Instagram (@goldinnhospitality) and noticed that they seem to be in the car A LOT, so I asked them to share a few tips for a fun and flirty road trip! They explained that the US National Park System has done most of the work for you: include a stop in one of the beautiful patches of nature our country has to offer and you can't go wrong. Next, make sure to take a different route each time. Baker and Justin travel to and from Houston a bunch, and in order to keep it interesting they never skip a scenic route! Finally, and most importantly, make sure you love your travel companions, and that includes the four legged variety. The boys assured me that Breechford was quite possibly better travelers than they are.
So whats next for the Gold-Inn Hospitality boys!? I hinted above that their own B & B could be in the near future, which is BEYOND exciting, and you can expect that Bae and I will have a room booked opening night! The guys are super focused on expanding their brand in the coming years. We're talking a boutique hotel, even more consulting, and I have my fingers crossed for a travel book. YAAAAASSSSSSS! No matter what Baker and Justin tackle in the future you better believe it will be chic, welcoming, and unique- just like the guys themselves.[one_third]
[/one_third_last]PS. Want to know more about the boys? Girl you know you do! Check out their website:Gold-Inn Hospitality