Big Ideas for Small Spaces
Let's face it - we rarely have enough room for our stuff. Despite our great intentions each year to pair down and live more presently and somehow BE OUR BETTER SELVES, the fact of the matter is that life, for better or worse, involves stuff. This is complicated further if you find yourself drawn to funky downtown areas and historic properties - what you gain in character, you're probably losing in coat closets, counter space, and other general stuff-holding surfaces. But don't worry. Space might be limited, but that doesn't mean your mind has to be. Here are some creative ideas for sneaking in a little extra storage into your small spaces.1. Over-door Built-ins - I mean, duh? But have you ever thought of doing this before? Even if you've just got six inches around a kitchen door frame, some slim built-ins can maximize space for your dishes and cutting boards.
2. Extra Counter Space - If you're like me, you would eat more salads if you simply had the space to cut up your vegetables. Actually, I'm lying. This lovely little kitchen utilizes an existing chair rail as the starting point for a small, waterfall bar table. When not being used for dining, it serves as extra prep space.
3. Stairway Storage - As you may know, we are kind of obsessed with bedding here. But the SAD REALITY is that not all of us have the luxury of a linen closet. But think outside of that linen closet for a second and the answer may be right beneath your feet, like the landing of a stair. Who's clever? Pat yourself on the back.
4. Work Space in a Nook - We all need a spot to do our bills or read a book or JUST HAVE A MOMENT where our partner isn't singing Beyoncé and our cat isn't working our last nerve (this oddly specific reference brought to you by: my life). This is where a nook work space can come in handy. Sometimes, just a few shelves and some natural light is all you need.Small space dwellers, we feel you. Maybe you've got a finicky little room that needs some interesting interventions. Send us a note! We can help you live big while living small.
Inspiration Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5