Style with Botanicals {How to}
Greenery is one of my favorite ways to add a special touch to any space. Botanicals are great fillers not to mention the pop color is an added touch! Not quite sure how to do it? There are a few things to keep in mind:
Are you good with plants? I do not have a green thumb at all! Here are some plants that can handle a little bit of neglect if you are more like me.Snake plant. These are one of the easiest to take care of..or not take care of. Snake plants love to be potted, they can go up to two weeks without water, and the length of their leaves and pattern make an esthetically pleasing touch. Transfer these guys into a colorful pot and you have an easy decorating fix!Pathos. Growing up, my mom had these everywhere throughout the house. In a large pot they can continue to grow like crazy. In confined pots, they tend to stop at about 6 or so feet long. Pathos drape so beautifully and are so easy to maintain. An added benefit, these vine plants have a reputation for purifying the air. Throw one of these on a top shelf or cabinet and no need to add trinkets, just watch the greenery spread.
Not a fan of live plant at all? These fabulous fakes are sure to make a statement.
Find these and other fabulous botanicals on The Design Network.
Do you have a spot that you just don't know what to put there? One of the most affordable, easy and colorful things you can add is a potted house plant. A Peace Lily like this is perfect for a corner that is lacking that missing piece.
Some plants are large enough to be considered during the space planing phase just like you would a furniture piece. Not only does the pot take up a large footprint on the floor, but be sure to consider the spread of the foliage too unless you like palm leaves tickling your neck while you watch TV ! Need some help trying to figure out how to pull off this look? That's why we are here. We love a good consultation! Give us a shout at and we will book you today.Image Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5