Chaise for Daise: Be our Valentine!
Okay, okay, until I start living my best life in the south of France, we’ll have to explore our days of chaise with this western drawl.
In a world of ‘yolo’ and ‘treat-yo-self’ (yeah I said it), how often do we actually take time for ourselves and relax? Luckily there’s a spot waiting just for you! -- If you’re thinking of someone fanning you with a palm frawn and feeding you grapes, then you’re headed in the right direction.
Be Mine
Create your own corner to escape to. Explore your wild side with that bold color you were too afraid to put on the family room sofa, and fall back in love with your Interior Design spark!
Or runaway from the world’s hustle and bustle in a serene private library space.
Lookin' Good

Hats off to one of the greatest love connections that explored the relationships materials have to structure; giving us the gift of organic shaped furniture while blazing a way for sculptural designs. Dreams really do come true when form and function combine! We heart you Ray & Charles Eames!

Make it a double! You know you shouldn’t “really” eat that entire heart box of candy all by yourself, so why not share your chaise, and your chocolate, experience. Enjoy some quality time with a friend that refuels you. Cheers!
Image Credit: Feature, Library Chaise, Emerald Chaise, Tufted Chaise, Rollie Chaise, Modern Double, and Double Chaise