Spark Joy: A KonMari Recap
Your home is a celebration of you, and committing to a tidy home is a great way to celebrate. We recently hosted Holly Bourne of Tidy Habitat for an after-hours workshop in our studio. The goal was to learn about the KonMari method by Chapel Hill's own local professional. It was an amazing session, and here are some of our key takeaways:
Curate your collection, but only when you have a readiness for change. Choose what to keep rather than what to get rid of. This is a positive mindset.
Gratitude over Guilt - express gratitude for the lessons your stuff has taught you, and then let it go. Thank you. Now place that into your gratitude box, honey.

Intuition vs. Logic - you can logically make a reason to keep everything, but you should lead with your intuition. Does it spark joy?
Follow the process. There is a very specific order for you to work through your belongings, based on attachment value from easiest to hardest. By the time you are looking through the most precious items, you've already mastered the intuitive process of determining what sparks joy.
One Time Process. To get started envision your goal and the benefits of de-cluttering. Go through the process, and then organize what is left. Discard, then organize. The goal is to declutter once and maintain your new tidy habits.
Tidy for yourself, not others. This process is for you.
Have you read the books and need more help? Holly is the owner of Tidy Habitat and specializes in the KonMari method and how to create space to live your best life. You can reach her here.