5 Elements for an Amazing Entryway
I find that often the entryway is this small, hardworking space that we breeze right through when we come home, shedding all of the stuff from the day. Depending on your layout, you may be limited to how much you can do by your main entryway, in my case my front door. At a minimum there are five elements I would consider to get your entryway whipped up into a place you wouldn’t mind lingering in for a second or two.
Something Personal
Something familiar. Something that grounds you. Let’s be real, the best way to come home is to see something that makes you smile. What are mine? A gallery wall of daycare art mixed in with pics of my kids, a miniature bust of Michaelangelo’s David wearing a floral scarf, and a motivational print that reads “the dream is free, but the hustle is sold separately.” An entry doesn’t have to be formal if that is not your thing.
Something Practical
And by this I mean the mirror where you check yourself before you walk out the door, a table lamp that is on a timer so that you no longer need to remember to turn it on and off each day, and the bowl of catch-all things that include spare change, my daughter’s rock collection from the back yard, and anything else that is quickly dumped from pockets. All of these live on a console with drawers and we’re in efficiency heaven.
A Place for Shoes
We have racks in the bottom of the coat closet for the ones that are in rotation and a big ole bin (that is cute and rattan) for the pairs that are worn daily so that they have a place to live that is not within the swing of the door. As it gets colder outside I add a second bin to hold all the hats, gloves, scarves and general outdoor paraphernalia to keep us somewhat organized.

For your lanyard, the dog’s leash, the husband’s giant straw hat, and my son’s backpack. Anything to keep to help keep the floor clear and our coats handy.
A Place to Sit
For us, it is the piano bench. But a bench not attached to a piano will also suffice. Or a storage ottoman that can tuck under the console that can double as hidden storage and a place to sit for putting on shoes is a great option for a tight space.
Pull your entryway style together quickly with small groupings in odd numbers. The lamp on one side of the console paired with a little bowl and a small plant can be balanced on the other side with a with a mix of variously sized objects and a hint of color that ties into the rest of the house. Place the mirror or a large piece of art in the middle of the two groupings, and you have styled your console like a pro. Have any questions? Give me a shout at hello@catfrenchdesign.com.
Photo Credits: Cover, Entry 1, Entry 2, and Entry 3