Around the Studio

Behind The Scenes: The Design Life
Today we’re talking about ALL things behind-the-scenes here in the CFD studio! As a team of creatives, there is never a dull moment and we’ve got all the latest happenings and going-ons to share. From new team members to a whole new website(!), we have so much to reveal and can’t wait to fill you in on the fun. 2023 is just around the corner, so join us as we recap the past year, welcome new changes, and bring you up to speed on our design life; behind the scenes!

Behind the Scenes: Custom Home Design
Today we’re here talking ALL things custom-designed homes! Building a dream home from the ground up is an incredible process, and we are so fortunate to get to be part of this journey with our clients. For some, it’s about that perfect space they’ve been dreaming about for years, and for others, it’s about having a beautiful house that fits every need, created just for them.